best-practices (3) books (2) code review (1) codereview (1) decisions (1) dependencies (1) developers (15) development (1) experience (7) git (1) integration-testing (2) java (2) kotlin (1) kubernetes (1) microservices (2) new-year (2) personal (2) python (1) rabbitmq (1) redis (2) salary (1) skills (1) soft-skills (6) spring (1) spring-boot (8) tests (2) texteditor (1) tools (1) tutorial (1) websocket (1)

 best-practices (3)

Git Best Practices
Why Runtime Dependencies are *****ing you over and over again
Code Review Best Practices

 books (2)

Best Python Books in 2020
Best Java Books in 2020

 code review (1)

Tips for Improving Code Review Efficiency

 codereview (1)

Code Review Best Practices

 decisions (1)

Why I passed on a 55% higher salary

 dependencies (1)

Why Runtime Dependencies are *****ing you over and over again

 developers (15)

Testcontainers: Test Your Spring Boot Application with a Real Database
Pillars of a Successful Software Project
Use Kubectl port-forwarding to Forward Ports to Localhost
Software is About People
Starting Into the New Decade - Software Engineer's Edition
To All Businesspeople: Developers Need Space to Do Whatever They Want
You Are Not Your Kubernetes ...
Jumping Ship for Career Progression.
You are not Google. You are not Netflix.
Monolith vs Microservices
The Things more important than Code
What nobody tells you when you get your first Job as a Developer
What Two Years With Microservices Taught Me
The 4 Most Important Things Every Programmer Should Be Aware of
Year++ - A Software Engineer’s New Year’s Resolutions

 development (1)

Tips for Improving Code Review Efficiency

 experience (7)

You Are Not Your Kubernetes ...
Jumping Ship for Career Progression.
You are not Google. You are not Netflix.
Staying In Business as a Developer
Five Stages of Grief
11 Ways to Kill Your App in the App Stores
What nobody tells you when you get your first Job as a Developer

 git (1)

Git Best Practices

 integration-testing (2)

Worst MockMvc Test Antipattern: Don't use ObjectMapper!
Spring Boot Integration Testing Done The Right Way

 java (2)

Random Number Generation with Java
Best Java Books in 2020

 kotlin (1)

Kotlin Features that Java Developers love

 kubernetes (1)

Use Kubectl port-forwarding to Forward Ports to Localhost

 microservices (2)

Monolith vs Microservices
What Two Years With Microservices Taught Me

 new-year (2)

Starting Into the New Decade - Software Engineer's Edition
Year++ - A Software Engineer’s New Year’s Resolutions

 personal (2)

8 Lessons learned starting a Developer Blog
10 Rules to live by as a Developer

 python (1)

Best Python Books in 2020

 rabbitmq (1)

Implementing Retries using RabbitMQ and Spring Boot 2

 redis (2)

Spring Boot Redis: Ultimate Guide to Redis Cache with Spring Boot 2
How We Made Our Spring Boot Applications More Robust with Redis Cache and Spring AOP

 salary (1)

Why I passed on a 55% higher salary

 skills (1)

The 4 Most Important Things Every Programmer Should Be Aware of

 soft-skills (6)

Testcontainers: Test Your Spring Boot Application with a Real Database
Pillars of a Successful Software Project
Software is About People
Staying In Business as a Developer
Five Stages of Grief
The Things more important than Code

 spring (1)

Worst MockMvc Test Antipattern: Don't use ObjectMapper!

 spring-boot (8)

Filtering JSON Response with SpringBoot and Jackson
Worst MockMvc Test Antipattern: Don't use ObjectMapper!
Kotlin Features that Java Developers love
Implementing Retries using RabbitMQ and Spring Boot 2
Spring Boot WebSocket Tutorial
Spring Boot Integration Testing Done The Right Way
Spring Boot Redis: Ultimate Guide to Redis Cache with Spring Boot 2
How We Made Our Spring Boot Applications More Robust with Redis Cache and Spring AOP

 tests (2)

Worst MockMvc Test Antipattern: Don't use ObjectMapper!
Flaky Tests and other Demons

 texteditor (1)

Best Text Editor For Programming

 tools (1)

Best Text Editor For Programming

 tutorial (1)

Random Number Generation with Java

 websocket (1)

Spring Boot WebSocket Tutorial