You might be ending here by a google search. I hope you find what you were coming for. This article is about how to set up a SpringBoot Application to filter parts of the JSON response on the server-side.

This article is inspired by a requirement I had at work. The approach has some downsides but it does exactly what it should, it allows a consumer to specify in which top-level elements he is interested in.

What to expect?

We will implement a simple GET Operation that returns a DTO (Data Transfer Object, also POJO). By adding a fields query parameter our consumers will be able to filter the top-level elements on the server-side. The API will only return the fields the consumer asked for.

GET http://localhost:8080/users/99?fields=firstName,lastName
Accept: application/json

will give you:
  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Doe"

instead of:
  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Doe",
  "birthday": "1990-12-31",
  "profession": "Programmer",
  "createdAt": "2021-07-06T01:37:50.32079+02:00"

Let’s have a quick look at the application

Our application is a simple SpringBoot Application created with Flavor for the tutorial will be Maven/Kotlin.

What I really like about the usage of Kotlin for tutorials is that Kotlin allows to have almost all of the implementation within a few files. Let’s have a look:


class UserService {

    fun getUser(id: String): User {
        // in reality this comes from a DB
        return User(
            id = id,
            firstName = "John",
            lastName = "Doe",
            birthday = LocalDate.of(1990, Month.DECEMBER, 31),
            profession = "Programmer",
            createdAt =

data class User(
    val id: String,
    val firstName: String,
    val lastName: String,
    val birthday: LocalDate,
    val profession: String,
    val createdAt: ZonedDateTime

class UserController(
    val userService: UserService
) {
    fun getUser(@PathVariable("id") id: String) = UserDto.fromUser(userService.getUser(id))

data class UserDto(
    val firstName: String,
    val lastName: String,
    val birthday: LocalDate,
    val profession: String,
    val createdAt: ZonedDateTime
) {
    companion object {
        fun fromUser(user: User) = UserDto(
            firstName = user.firstName,
            lastName = user.lastName,
            birthday = user.birthday,
            profession = user.profession,
            createdAt = user.createdAt

I also threw a Configuration class for our ObjectMapper into the mix since that never hurts. This is doing more than needed for this tutorial, but I wanted to include some kind of sane configuration that you could also use for deserializing content. Most input here is for adding only non-null fields and to properly format the createdAt date of the user.

class ObjectMapperConfiguration {

    fun configure() =
        ObjectMapper().apply {
            configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false)
            configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_NULL_FOR_PRIMITIVES, true)
            configure(DeserializationFeature.READ_UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUES_USING_DEFAULT_VALUE, true)

            val javaTimeModule = JavaTimeModule().apply {

            registerModules(javaTimeModule, KotlinModule())

That is all for now. As you can see we have a typical three-tier architecture (Controller/Service/Repository). The repository is omitted since adding a database has no benefit for this tutorial.

The /users/{id} endpoint will return a UserDto that gets created based on the model the Controller receives from the Service. Hopefully, things are looking familiar.

We can quickly start the service and query

GET http://localhost:8080/users/99
Accept: application/json

which will return information about a User consisting of a lot of fields.

Starting with what you came for

For our example, the Service Class will stay exactly the way it is. We will modify our Controller to only return the fields a consumer of our API provided.

Add the query parameter

That is quite easy, isn’t it? Just add:

@RequestParam(required = false, value = "fields") fields: String?

on top of our existing GetMapping. This adds an optional field query parameter that can get added at the end of the URL. I decided to make it optional since this won’t affect the behavior of our API for existing API consumers - always something you should keep in mind.

Sadly the code will get a bit more verbose now, but this is the price we have to pay.

Bring the pre-requisites into place

We will be using Jackson’s JsonFilter functionality that allows us to remove parts while serializing our DTO.

Let’s add the annotation on top of our UserDto-class:


data class UserDto(

Having the name of the filter in a constant is in general a good idea. It prevents errors by mistyping in other places.

Use MappingJacksonValue to filter our response

MappingJacksonValue is a wrapper for DTOs that allows many operations on top of them. One of them is adding filters.

We will add a filterOutAllExcept-filter in case the fields-parameter we added earlier is populated. There we will pass the fields we received in our call as a Set. This needs to get wrapped with a SimpleFilterProvider for which we need to add our filter. Have a look below, i think the code might be easier to read than the text here.

    fun getUser(
        @PathVariable("id") id: String,
        @RequestParam(required = false, value = "fields") fields: String?
    ): MappingJacksonValue {

        val fromUser = UserDto.fromUser(userService.getUser(id))

        val mappingJacksonValue = MappingJacksonValue(fromUser)

        if (!fields.isNullOrEmpty()) {
            mappingJacksonValue.filters =
        return mappingJacksonValue

The only thing that is not perfect: Once your DTO has a JsonFilter annotation, you are required to apply a filter in all cases. This means for us that even if we don’t get a filter, we still need to apply SOME filter to our response. The implementation above is dealing with the requirement to only return the fields given in the fields parameter.

Let’s take it for a test run

Start our application and tinker around with the request. Let’s take the request from before and add a fields parameter:

GET http://localhost:8080/users/99?fields=firstName,lastName
Accept: application/json

will exactly return:

  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Doe"

Awesome. Let’s remove the fields parameter again from our request and see what happens. What happens when we invoke our application?

We receive an HTTP 500 with the following exception:

InvalidDefinitionException: Cannot resolve PropertyFilter with id 'FIELDS_FILTER'; no FilterProvider configured

This is what I was talking about earlier, that for all cases there needs to be a filter. Before you start to modify your controller - I got another solution.

I added the following block of code to the ObjectMapperConfiguration:

// this filter allows to have a JSON Filter Annotation on top of a DTO and be able to serialize it without extra handling
setFilterProvider(SimpleFilterProvider().apply {
    this.defaultFilter = SimpleBeanPropertyFilter.serializeAll()

This applies a serializeAll filter as default filter for all requests that had no filter applied. In effect: Every time we have our MappingJacksonValue not getting a filter applied, it will just return all fields.


What we achieved

We added a filter parameter to our API that allows consumers to filter the response in advance. This has benefits for the size of the payload. Our requirement was data protection, our consumers should be able to prevent receiving data they don’t need. Especially user data is really sensitive!

Limitations / Known issues

In my opinion, this approach has two small issues:

  1. The filtering is only applied on the Controller level - your service still has to work in order to fetch all the required information. For this minimal example, it is not an issue. It could be one if the DTO in question is rather large and a bit more expensive to calculate.
  2. Filtering only works for top-level fields. That was not an issue for our use case but it could be for you. If you need more advanced field filters for nested objects. There are a few projects on Github just giving you that, or maybe you could have a look at GraphQL.


I hope you liked the article and could learn something from it. I was quite impressed how neat the implementation turned out. Things can be really awesome if they just work.

You can leave a comment here or reach out on Twitter.

All the source code can be found within the Github Repository.

About the Author:

Marcus "Mo" Eisele

Marcus is fascinated by technology. He loves learning new things.
He is a Software Engineer at Bosch and has a personal blog at